Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Missouri Update

Update from Paula Benoit:

I just returned from Missouri after two weeks working with State Legislators and a grassroots group. It was overwhelmingly obvious that the Right to Life and the Catholic Conference run the state legislature. Every Legislator I spoken with made reference to both groups at some point in the conversation. While they may not accept money from either group, they definitely are afraid of loosing their support at election time. Representative Cynthia Davis and Senator Rita Days are the sponsors of legislation being discussed currently and both of these Legislators understand the importance of original identity with no compromises. I offer a sincere thank you to both for standing strong for Missouri born adoptees.

The grassroots group I met and worked with is ready to change the way Adoptee Access is talked about from now on. They have made a commitment to keeping phrases and messages brief and directly to the point, my platform on adoptee access from the beginning.

1 Original Identity is a basic human right.
2 Every adult adoptee deserves access to their original birth certificate, same as non-adopted persons have.
3 The Government should never be in the business of sealing a person's identity, under any circumstances.
4 No adoptee will be left behind.

These four sentences repeated over and over again will become gospel just as the opposition has made gospel of their chant, "birth mother's were promised privacy." Yes the adoption agencies did perhaps offer confidentiality, but at NO TIME could they speak or offer anonymity on behalf of the State Government. Try as the opposition might to perpetuate this myth, studies now show birth mother's never wanted the privacy that the agencies were offering! They thought it was privacy from public stigma NOT from their surrendered child.

It is interesting that the Right to Life will go to any length to remove a woman's right to choice regarding her pregnancy; yet when reminded that states allowing adult adoptees access to their original birth certificates have a substantiality higher rate of adoption compared to abortion, they still will not support adoptee access. Same goes for the Catholic Conference. It would make sense for both groups to support adoptee access and prove beyond a doubt that they are honestly concerned for the baby's welfare and not just their agenda to oppose abortion.

Congratulations to the Missouri Grassroots Group - you all are doing great work. It was a pleasure working with you.
Paula Benoit